Sonic Relief Resources
Get the most from your Sonic Relief Treatments with these handy resources
How to use Sonic Relief
You're on your way to fast healing and pain relief - with Sonic Relief.
Each Sonic Relief treatment takes only 10 minutes and 3 simple ABC steps.
Take note of where it hurts:​
You can palpate or press on the area to find the pain point.
Muscle, tendon, ligament or inside the joint.
Apply a quarter size dollop of Sonic Relief Gel to the area.
Turn on your Sonic Relief and press the intensity button to High.
Place the sound head to the gel and rub the sound head over the area of pain using a small circular motion no larger than twice the size of the sound head.
Refer to the treatment guide below to determine where to apply the Sonic Relief treatment for your condition.
The intent is to direct the sound waves into the painful area to remove inflammation, bring blood flow to the area and release the pain.
Sonic Relief will turn off automatically with a small beep after 10 minutes.
Wipe the gel from the sound head and your skin with a soft towel or paper towel.
Replace Sonic Relief into the charger stand so it’s ready for your next treatment.